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Agora USB ; 19(1): 197-218, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038201


Resumen Se presenta una ruta metodológica que permite la delimitación de Unidades de Paisaje, las cuales fueron determinadas a partir de la identificación e integración de los elementos naturales que las componen y de sus comportamientos y relacionamientos culturales dentro del territorio, ese conjunto de elementos permitirá darles una resignificación territorial, la cual da línea a nombrar cada unidad de paisaje de acuerdo a su contexto territorial presente.

Abstract It presents a methodological route, which allows the delimitation of units of landscape. These were determined by the identification and integration of the natural elements, which make them up, as well as their behaviors and cultural relations within the territory. This set of elements will allow them to give a territorial resignification, which allows to name each unit of landscape according to its current territorial context.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 25(2): 497-514, abr.-jun. 2018. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-953870


Resumo O artigo investiga os impactos socioambientais da construção da rodovia PA-458, que aterrou 26km de manguezal entre o município de Bragança e a praia de Ajuruteua, no nordeste do Pará. Com base em documentos oficiais, jornais, fotografias e relatos orais foram analisadas as representações de políticos, moradores e mariscadores de caranguejo sobre os significados da rodovia. Conclui-se que as autoridades desconsideraram os impactos ambientais causados no manguezal e no cotidiano dos mariscadores de caranguejo, que, mesmo avaliando a estrada como positiva, são confrontados com a escassez progressiva do crustáceo e com o aumento do número de atravessadores.

Abstract The article investigates the social and environmental impacts of construction of Highway PA-458, which turned 26km of mangrove swamp into a landfill between the municipality of Bragança and Ajuruteua beach in northeastern Pará. Working with official documents, newspapers, photographs, and oral accounts, it analyzes politicians', local residents', and crab harvesters' representations of the significance of the highway. It is concluded that officials have disregarded the environmental impact both on the mangrove swamps and on the daily lives of crab harvesters. While the latter may even view the road as positive, they have been confronted with a progressively dwindling crab population and a growing number of crab dealers.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Social Change , Nature , Environment , Roads , Brazil , Construction Industry , History, 20th Century
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 18(1): e20170440, 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951148


Abstract Deforestation and road construction have inflicted negative effects on wildlife populations. To contribute to the comprehension and preservation of wildlife species, this study aimed to evaluate collared anteater presented to a reference center located in São Paulo state, Brazil. Furthermore, the locations where the animals were most frequently found were determined. Data on collared anteaters (Tamandua tetradactyla) examined at the Center for Medicine and Research in Wild Animals (CEMPAS) were evaluated retrospectively for a period of 13 years. A total of 46 collared anteaters was examined, comprised of 14 males, 10 females, and 22 without identifying information. On average, adult males weigh 4.41 kg while adult females weigh 4.95 kg. The most common admission circumstance was vehicular strikes (36.96%), followed by dog bites (21.74%); 23.91% were considered clinically healthy. Animal outcomes were 36.96% (n=17) reintroduced, 34.78% (n=16) fatalities, 15.22% (n=7) transferred to other institutions, and 6.52% (n=3) escaped from the enclosure; and 6.52% (n=3) presented no medical record information. The collared anteaters were found mainly in the municipal areas of Botucatu (21.73%), São Manuel (17.39%), Lençóis Paulista (6.52%), and Bauru (4.34%), with SP-300 being the main highway associated with the occurrences. In conclusion, the main cause of lesion in the collared anteaters evaluated in this study was vehicular strike that that led to death. However, including all collared anteaters at least half of them had a positive outcome.

Resumo O desmatamento e a construção de estradas têm promovido uma série de problemas à fauna. Visando contribuir com informações que podem ser usadas na compreensão e preservação das espécies, o trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar tamanduás-mirins atendidos em um centro de referência localizado no Estado de São Paulo, Brazil. Foram avaliados retrospectivamente dados referentes a tamanduás-mirins (Tamandua tetradactyla), que foram trazidos ao Centro de Medicina e Pesquisa em Animais Selvagens (CEMPAS), durante um período de 13 anos. De um total de 46 tamanduás-mirins atendidos, 14 foram machos e 10 foram fêmeas, e 22 não possuíam identificação quanto ao sexo. Em média, os machos adultos pesaram 4,41 kg, enquanto as fêmeas adultas pesaram 4,95 kg. Com relação à circunstância que levou ao atendimento, as mais importantes foram o atropelamento (36,96%) e a mordedura de cães (21,74%), sendo que 23,91% foram considerados clinicamente saudáveis. No tocante à evolução dos casos, 36,96% (n=17) foram reintroduzidos, 34.78% (n=16) foram a óbito, 15,22% (n=7) foram transferidos para outras instituições, 6,52% (n=3) evadiram do recinto e 6,52% (n=3) não há informação. Os animais foram provenientes principalmente dos municípios de Botucatu (21,73%), São Manuel (17,39%), Lençóis Paulista (6,52%) e Bauru (4,34%), sendo a SP-300 a principal rodovia relacionada as ocorrências. Foi possível concluir que dos tamanduás-mirins avaliados a principal causa de lesão foi o atropelamento, que teve por evolução o óbito; porém ao se incluir os tamanduás-mirins saudáveis e demais, ao menos metade evoluíram positivamente.

Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 30: e169213, 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-976667


Resumo Os andarilhos de estrada são indivíduos que percorrem longas distância pelas rodovias do país com um saco às costas ou puxando um carrinho de mão no qual carregam todos os seus pertences, sem destino certo ou trajetos preestabelecidos. Essa pesquisa teve por finalidade analisar o tratamento dado por uma concessionária de rodovias aos andarilhos dentro de suas políticas de gestão do trânsito e fluxo de pedestres pelos acostamentos. Foi realizada uma entrevista com o profissional responsável pela administração de uma importante rodovia paulista, posicionada num dos principais corredores de transporte do país e na qual são encontrados frequentemente os andarilhos. Os resultados indicaram que as estratégias de controle utilizadas pela concessionária de rodovia incluem ações de vigilância e medidas administrativas que, sob o efeito da sanção normalizadora, supervisionam e distribuem os andarilhos nesse espaço aberto e anônimo por onde circulam as multiplicidades.

Resumen Andariegos o caminantes de carretera son individuos que caminan largas distancias por las carreteras de Brasil, sin destino o trayectos preestablecidos, con una bolsa en la espalda o tirando de un carrito de mano donde llevan todas sus pertenencias. Esta investigación tuvo por finalidad analizar el tratamiento ofrecido por una concesionaria de carretera a los caminantes según sus políticas de gestión de tránsito y flujo de pedestre por los arcenes. Fue realizada una entrevista con el profesional responsable por la administración de una importante carretera en el estado de São Paulo, situada en uno de los principales corredores de transportes del país donde esos andariegos son vistos con frecuencia. Los resultados han indicado que las estrategias de control utilizadas por la concesionaria de carretera incluyen acciones de vigilancia y medidas administrativas que, bajo el efecto de la normalización, supervisan y distribuyen los caminantes en este espacio abierto y anónimo por donde circulan las multiplicidades.

Abstract The Brazilian highway wanderers are individuals who walk long distances through the country highways with a bag on their backs or pulling a wheelbarrow in which they carry all their belongings, with no defined destination or pre-established routes. This research aimed to analyze the treatment given by a highway concessionaire to the highway wanderers within their policies of traffic management and pedestrian transit along the roadsides. An interview was conducted with a professional who is responsible for the management of an important highway in São Paulo State, located in one of the main transport walkways where highway wanderers are often seen. The results indicated that the control strategies utilized by the highway concessionaire include vigilance actions and the administrative measures that, under the normalization effects, supervise and distribute the Brazilian highway wanderers in this open and anonymous space through which multiplicities circulate.

Humans , Male , Female , Transients and Migrants , Roads/policies , Social Control Policies/organization & administration
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-154945


PURPOSE: The purposes of this study were to investigate food consumption practices and analyze factors that influence customer satisfaction of an HACCP applied restaurant in a highway service area. METHODS: A total of 207 customer responses were used for data analysis. Statistical analyses were conducted using the SPSS program (ver. 22.0) for χ²-test, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. RESULTS: Reasons for visiting the highway area were using the restroom (86.0%), purchasing of meals or snacks (70.1%), taking a rest (58.5%), and shopping (3.4%) and selection attributes of food sold in the highway service area were food taste (48.8%), food safety (33.3%), and waiting time for meal (10.7%). According to the results of the survey, udon (66.2%) was the most preferred meal, followed by instant noodles (56.0%), kimbap (50.7%), pork cutlet (38.2%), and bibimbap (29.0%). In addition, coffee (73.4%) was the most preferred among snacks and beverages, followed by beverages (58.9%), walnut cake (53.1%), mineral water (52.2%), and hotbar (52.2%). Satisfaction evaluation scores of foods sold in the highway service area were highest for appropriate portion size, followed by food safety, menu variety, food taste, and reasonable price. Overall customer satisfaction scores regarding the restaurant in the highway service area was 3.24 out of 5 points on average. According to the results of the multiple regressing analysis, food taste (p < 0.001) and reasonable price (p < 0.01) had significant positive effects on overall customer satisfaction. CONCLUSION: To enhance customer satisfaction, restaurant managers in the highway service area should implement HACCP, improve food taste, and set up a proper price for food sold at the restaurant in the highway service area.

Beverages , Coffee , Food Analysis , Food Safety , Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points , Juglans , Meals , Mineral Waters , Portion Size , Red Meat , Restaurants , Snacks , Statistics as Topic
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 25(4): 407-413, Sept.-Dec. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-830055


Abstract The current study aimed to investigate the helminth parasites of a population of Galictis cuja (Carnivora, Mustelidae) that occur in Atlantic Forest in the Southeastern region of Brazil. We necropsied 18 specimens of G. cuja, collected between January 2009 and May 2014, ran over victims on BR-040 highway, between the municipalities of Duque de Caxias, state of Rio de Janeiro and Juiz de Fora, state of Minas Gerais, localities inserted in Atlantic rainforest Biome. A total of six species of helminths were identified: Dioctophyme renale, Molineus elegans, Physaloptera sp., Strongyloides sp., Platynosomum illiciens, and Pachysentis gethi. Molineus elegans, Physaloptera sp. and P. illiciens were recorded for the first time in this host. Data provided in the current study when compared to the previous reports of parasitism by helminths in G. cuja in Brazil demonstrate that this study is the most representative with this host species.

Resumo O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a fauna de helmintos de uma população de Galictis cuja (Carnivora, Mustelidae) que ocorre em uma região de Mata Atlântica na região Sudeste do Brasil. Foram necropsiados 18 espécimes de G. cuja, coletados entre Janeiro de 2009 e Maio de 2014, que foram mortos acidentalmente por atropelamentos na rodovia BR-040, entre os municípios de Duque de Caxias, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro e Juiz de Fora, no Estado de Minas Gerais, localidades inseridas no Bioma Mata Atlântica. No total seis espécies de helmintos foram identificadas: Dioctophyme renale, Molineus elegans, Physaloptera sp, Strongyloides sp, Platynosomum illiciens e Pachysentis gethi. Molineus elegans, Physaloptera sp. e P. illiciens foram registradas pela primeira vez nesta espécie de hospedeiro. O estudo amplia a diversidade de helmintos conhecidos para o hospedeiro em questão. Os dados fornecidos no presente estudo quando comparados com os registros prévios de helmintos em G. cuja no Brasil demonstram que este estudo é o mais representativo com esta espécie de hospedeiro.

Animals , Mustelidae/parasitology , Helminths/isolation & purification , Brazil , Forests
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 21(4): 765-775, out.-dez. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-828758


RESUMO: O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi realizar o mapeamento de áreas de risco a escorregamentos e a inundações em áreas marginais a uma importante rodovia do Estado de São Paulo. Sendo assim, um segundo objetivo do trabalho foi apresentar medidas geotécnicas de contenção aos processos mapeados. Para isso, as áreas de risco foram mapeadas a partir de visitas de campo e classificadas em quatro graus de risco (R1: baixo; R2: médio; R3: alto ou; R4: muito alto) utilizando fichas de cadastro que contemplam condicionantes naturais, antrópicos e evidências de instabilidade. Foram identificados oito setores de risco a escorregamentos (cinco com risco R2; dois com risco R3 e um com risco R4) e um setor de risco a inundação (R3). Este trabalho poderá contribuir no melhor monitoramento de impactos ambientais resultantes da construção de rodovias, sobretudo, resultantes do aparecimento de ocupações irregulares em áreas impróprias para a ocupação.

ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper was develop a landslide and flood risk map to areas located close to an important road in São Paulo state. Thus, the second objective was present geotechnical measures to mitigate the mapped processes. The risk areas were mapped from fieldwork and classified into four risk levels (R1: low; R2: medium; R3: high or; R4: very high) using registration forms that include natural constraints, anthropogenic processes and instability evidences. There were identified eight landslide risk areas (five were classified as a R2 risk, two were classified as a R3 risk and one were classified as a R4 risk) and one flood risk classified as a R3 risk. This paper can help monitoring the environmental impacts that may occur after the road construction, especially in the emergence of irregular settlements in unsuitable areas.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-223871


PURPOSE: The environment of traffic accident sites could affect the outcomes of injured patients during emergency care. The goal of this investigation is to assess the association between the road type during motor vehicle collision and mortality or disability of severe trauma patients. METHODS: We used an emergency medical service based on severe trauma database operated by the Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The database collected information on injured patients with abnormal prehospital revised trauma score transported by fire department during 2012 in 6 provinces of South Korea. Among the cases collected, we distinguished between drivers and passengers of motor vehicle collision. We divided the road types into two categories: highway and non-highway. We collected the demographics, injury related information, prehospital indicator, and clinical outcome. Primary outcome was in-hospital mortality and secondary outcome was disability. We assessed the association using a multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: During the study period, 1,122 cases with 131 highway types and 991 non-highway types were analyzed. Patients in the highway type showed delayed time of arrival at the scene from EMS activation and delayed hospital arrival from departing the scene. Hospital mortality was higher in the highway group (43.5% vs 31.6%, p<0.05). According to multiple logistic regression, the highway group showed higher mortality (OR 1.86, 95% CI 1.26-2.75). Higher proportion of disability was also associated with the highway group (OR 1.53, CI 1.04-2.25). CONCLUSION: We assessed the association of road type and clinical outcome of patients injured due to traffic accident. Cases associated with the highway type were showed 1.86 times higher mortality and 1.53 times higher disability compared with the non-highway type.

Humans , Accidents, Traffic , Ambulances , Demography , Disability Evaluation , Emergency Medical Services , Fires , Hospital Mortality , Korea , Logistic Models , Mortality , Motor Vehicles
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 65(6): 1883-1886, Dec. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-696875


The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of wild animals found run over on the highway BR482 in the stretch between the cities Conselheiro Lafaiete and Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The average of run over was 0.010 animals/km traveled. The mammals represented the most hit, followed by birds, amphibians and reptiles. This work, pioneered in this region, presents the species most affected by the traffic in the highway BR482 and contributes to a preliminary assessment of the present fauna of this region and the anthropological impact along that stretch.

Animals , Automobiles , Accidents/mortality , Fauna , Animals, Wild
Rev. psicol. polit ; 13(27): 319-336, ago. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-753880


A errância no contemporâneo é um fenômeno complexo e se expressa com maior radicalidade no caso dos andarilhos de estrada: sujeitos que perambulam a pé pelas rodovias do país com um saco às costas onde carregam todos os seus pertences e sendo praticamente ignorados pelas políticas públicas de assistência social. Esse artigo procura refletir sobre essas políticas públicas tendo como eixo de análise o texto da Resolução 109 publicada no Diário Oficial da União no dia 25 de novembro de 2009 em concordância com a Lei nº 8.742, de 07 de dezembro de 1993 que aprovou a tipificação nacional de serviços socioassistenciais coordenada pelo Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS). As análises sugerem uma ampla discussão junto ao SUAS e órgãos governamentais para a elaboração e a implementação de novos projetos de gestão onde Estados e municípios possam promover políticas públicas de assistência visando atender também as necessidades dos andarilhos no sentido de garantir pelo menos melhores condições de dignidade em suas jornadas erráticas pelas rodovias.

The wandering in the contemporaneity is a complex phenomenon and it radically expresses in the case of highway wanderers: individuals that walking on foot and without a destination on the Brazilian highways with a sack on their backs where carry all your meager belongings and excluded of social assistance public policies practically. This paper aims to reflect about these public policies whose analysis is the text of 109 Resolution published on the Union Official Diary on November 25th 2009 according to Law 8.742 on December 07th 1993 that approved the national standardization of Brazilian social assistance services organized by Only Social Assistance System (OSAS). The analysis suggest an ample discussion within OSAS and others government institutions to elaborate and implement new projects of social administration where States and municipalities can promote assistance public policies to attend also the needs of highway wanderers and assure best dignity conditions in their wandering journeys at least.

La errancia en la contemporaneidad se expresa con radicalidad en los andariegos de carretera que deambulan por las carreteras brasileñas con un saco a cuestas donde portan todas sus pertenencias y excluidos por las políticas públicas de asistencia social. Este artículo procura reflexionar sobre esas políticas públicas a partir del análisis del texto de la Resolución 109 publicada en Diario Oficial de la Unión en el 25 de noviembre de 2009 conforme la Ley 8.742 el 07 de diciembre de 1993 que ha aprobado la tipificación nacionalde los servicios de asistencia social coordenada por el Sistema Único de Asistencia Social (SUAS). Los análisis sugieren una amplia discusión junto al SUAS y otros órganos gubernamentales para elaboración e implementación de nuevos proyectos de gestión donde Estados y municipios puedan promover políticas públicas buscando atender también las necesidades de los andariegos que puedan garantizarles por lo menos mejores condiciones de dignidad en sus jornadas erráticas por las carreteras.

Le vagabondage contemporain en Brésil est un phénomène complexe où les errants d'autoroute sont un d'exemples plus radical porquoi marchent à pied et sans une destination sur les autoroutes brésiliennes avec un sac sur leurs dos où emportent toutes les affaires maigres et pratiquement exclu de la politiques publiques d'assistance sociale. Ce papier a l'intention de refléter au sujet de ces politiques publiques dont l'analyse est le texte de la 109 Résolution 109 publié dans le Journal Officiel de la Union sur novembre 25e 2009 selon le Loi 8742 décembre 07e 1993 cela a approuvé la standardisation nationale de services de l'assistance sociaux brésiliens organisée par Système Unique de Assistance Social (SUAS). L'analyse suggère le nécessité de ample discussion dans SUAS et autres institutions du gouvernement pour élaborer et appliquer nouveaux projets d'administration sociale où État et les villes peuvent promouvoir politiques publiques d'assistance pour assister aussi aux nécessités de errants d'autoroute et assurer meilleures conditions de dignité dans leur voyages sur l'autoroute au moins.

Humans , Public Policy , Social Work , Transients and Migrants
Chinese Journal of Trauma ; (12): 265-268, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-425183


ObjectiveTo study the characteristics and explore risk factors of traffic injuries in Wenzhou part of the Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou (Yong-tai-wen for short) highway during 2005-2009 so as to provide scientific evidence for promoting prevention and cure level of highway traffic injury.Methods The original data of traffic accident in Wenzhou part of the Yong-tai-wen highway during 2005-2009 were collected to carry out the descriptive epidemiological investigation of the injury characteristics.Simultaneously,multi-factor analysis was conducted to screen out the risk factors for traffic accidents.Results A total of 308 traffic accidents involving 603 casualties (157 deaths) were interviewed during 2005-2009.The casualties from expressway traffic accidents declined yearly,but annual death rate was still very high (26.04%).Meanwhile,the males were more likely subjected to traffic injuries than females.The most common injury sites were the head and limb and the main fatal injuries were the head and pelvic injuries.Accident-prone period was from 0:00 to 8:00 in the morning and traffic scenarios were mainly characterized by rear collision (39%).Risk factors for traffic accidents included poor lighting conditions,overloaded vehicles on the road sections,male drivers,driving without a license,fatigue driving and speeding.ConclusionsTraffic accidents present high incidence and casualty rates,and are mainly resulted from overloaded and fatigue driving.Therefore,the training and education on safe driving should be done particularly for the males and low driving age drivers to strictly forbid the overload driving,fatigue driving or overspeed driving.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 105(5): 665-671, Aug. 2010. ilus, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-557227


We describe evidence of circulation of hantaviruses in the influence area of the Santarém-Cuiabá Highway (BR-163) in the Brazilian Amazon through the prevalence of specific antibodies against hantaviruses in inhabitants living in four municipalities of this area: Novo Progresso (2.16 percent) and Trairão (4.37 percent), in state of Pará (PA), and Gua-rantã do Norte (4.74 percent) and Marcelândia (9.43 percent), in state of Mato Grosso. We also demonstrate the ongoing association between Castelo dos Sonhos virus (CASV) and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) cases in the Castelo dos Sonhos district (municipality of Altamira, PA) and the first report of CASV in the municipalities of Novo Progresso and Guarantã do Norte. The results of this work highlight the risk for a possible increase in the number of HPS cases and the emergence of new hantavirus lineages associated with deforestation in this Amazonian area after the conclusion of paving works on BR-163 Highway.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Antibodies, Viral/blood , Hantavirus Infections , Orthohantavirus , RNA, Viral , Brazil , Hantavirus Infections , Hantavirus Infections , Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome , Orthohantavirus , Orthohantavirus , Longitudinal Studies , Phylogeny , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Seasons , Seroepidemiologic Studies
Psicol. estud ; 14(4): 641-648, out.-dez. 2009.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-540725


O nomadismo contemporâneo associado à migração, pobreza, desemprego e desfiliação social é uma característica marcante de nosso tempo e se expressa com maior radicalidade no fenômeno da errância, compreendida por uma perambulação a pé do indivíduo pelas rodovias, sem rumo certo e destino definido. O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar a relação entre a errância e a normalização social, tendo como foco de análise o caso dos andarilhos de estrada.

The contemporary nomadic life related to migration, poverty, unemployment and social disaffiliation is a common characteristic of our time and it can be seen radically in the wandering phenomenon understood as a displacement on foot of the individual through the highways without certain course and no definite destination. The present paper aims to analyze the relation between the wandering and the social normalization being the highway wanderers the main analysis focus.

El nomadismo contemporáneo articulado con la migración, pobreza, desempleo y desafiliación social es una característica común de nuestro tiempo y puede ser percibido radicalmente en el fenómeno de los errantes, sujetos que son conocidos por caminaren a pie por las carreteras, sin rumbo cierto y destino definido. Ese artículo procura analizar la relación entre los errantes y la normalización social eligiendo como foco de análisis el caso de los andariegos de carretera.

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology
Salud pública Méx ; 50(supl.1): s55-s59, 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-479142


OBJETIVO: Determinar el efecto en la reducción de la mortalidad por accidentes de tránsito de la instalación de un dispositivo de absorción y contención de impacto (BAFI),en cruceros de eje estrecho en la ciudad de Monterrey, México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se obtuvo información sobre accidentes del 1 de enero de 2000 al 31 de diciembre de 2005 en cruceros con o sin BAFI. RESULTADOS:En el periodo de estudio se registraron 142 accidentes en cruceros de eje estrecho, con 59 muertes en cruceros sin BAFI y cinco en aquellos donde se instaló este dispositivo. CONCLUSIONES: Los dispositivos BAFI representan una medida rápida y de bajo costo para reducir la mortalidad y gravedad de lesiones por accidentes en cruceros de eje estrecho.

OBJECTIVE:Todetermine the effect of the installation of an impact absorption and containment device (Spanish abbreviation, BAFI) on the reduction of traffic accident fatalities at edge crossings in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. MATERIALS AND METHODS:Information about accidents was obtained from January 1,2000 to December 31,2005 from intersections with and without BAFI. RESULTS:During the study period, 142 accidents were registered in edge intersections, with 59 deaths in intersections without BAFIs and five in those where the devices were installed. CONCLUSIONS:The BAFI devices represent a quick and low-cost step for reducing mortality and serious injury due to accidents in edge crossings.

Humans , Accidents, Traffic/mortality , Accidents, Traffic/prevention & control , Architecture , Mexico
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-548182


Objective To investigate the body burden of lead and the related health effects in the residents living on the highway-sides of the mountain areas in Fujian province,China.Methods Eighty-nine subjects living nearby the highway-sides(exposed group) and 69 subjects far away from the highway(control group) were recruited by stratified random sampling method.Their basic situation and relevant index were investigated with questionnaire;The lead levels of blood and urine were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric method and compared;The temperature,pulse rate and blood pressure were taken to analyze the related health effects;and the influence factors of blood lead levels were analyzed by single factor analysis method,rank correlation analysis method and multiple regression analysis method.Results The blood and urine lead level of exposure group([94.19 26.51),(15.36?7.67)?g/L ]were significantly higher than that of the control group[(62.83?13.33),(7.24?4.62) ?g/L;t=8.981 0、7.766 2,P

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 34(2): 173-180, mar.-abr. 2001.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-462025


The seroprevalence study for leptospirosis in bovines and humans was realized in family holder farms along the Transamazon Highway. The prevalence of bovine leptospirosis was 97% [90.9 - 99.5%] of farms with at least one positive animal according to microscopic agglutination test for the leptospirosis diagnostic. In 61.2% of the tested herds, the serovar hardjo was the most common, followed by the serovar bratislava (9%) and the serovar shermani (4.5%). The serologic prevalence of leptospirosis in humans was 32.8% [23.4 - 43.5%] in family groups with at least one positive individual according to microscopic agglutination test for the leptospirosis diagnostic. In 9% of family groups, the serovar bratislava was the most common, while serovar hardjo and grippotyphosa accounted for 6% and 4.5%, respectively. The impact of these results is discussed in relation to animal production and public health. Suggestions have been proposed in order to improve the situation in the region..

Realizou-se o estudo da soroprevalência da leptospirose em bovinos e humanos especificamente em propriedades familiares na região de fronteira agrícola da rodovia Transamazônica, na Amazônia Oriental. A prevalência da leptospirose bovina foi 97% [90,9 – 99,5%] de propriedades com pelo menos um animal positivo na soroaglutinação microscópica para o diagnóstico da leptospirose. Em 61,2% dos rebanhos o sorotipo hardjo foi apontado como o mais provável, em 9% deles o sorotipo bratislava e em 4,5% o shermani. A prevalência sorológica da leptospirose humana foi 32,8% [23,4 – 43,5%] de núcleos familiares com pelo menos um indivíduo positivo na soroaglutinação microscópica para o diagnóstico da leptospirose. Em 9% dos núcleos familiares o sorotipo bratislava foi apontado como o mais provável, em 6% deles o sorotipo hardjo e em 4,5% o grippotyphosa. Foi discutido o impacto desses achados sobre a produção animal e saúde pública na região e feitas sugestões para minorar o problema.

Animals , Cattle , Humans , Cattle Diseases/epidemiology , Leptospirosis/epidemiology , Leptospirosis/veterinary , Brazil/epidemiology , Cattle Diseases/diagnosis , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Prevalence , Rural Population , Seroepidemiologic Studies
Inf. epidemiol. SUS ; 10(1): 31-42, jan.-mar. 2001. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: lil-305558


Acidentes químicos ampliados no transporte rodoviário de cargas perigosas possuem o potencial de causar simultaneamente múltiplos danos ao meio ambiente e a saúde dos seres humanos expostos, constituindo uma preocupação para a Saúde Pública. Entretanto, no Brasil, a ausência de algumas informações básicas que permitam avaliar os impactos desses eventos sobre a saúde humana constitui uma das limitações dos dados existentes, atualmente, sobre o renasporte de cargas perigosas, reduzindo a capacidade de formulação de poliíticas públicas de controle e prevenção amplas, adequadas e efetivas, particularmente envolvendo os setores saúde e meio ambiente. O objetivo deste artigo é, no âmbito da Vigilância Ambiental em Saúde, contribuir para a estruturação do sistema de vigilância desse tipo de acidente. A partir do histórico e da caracterização desses acidentes, coloca-se a problemática para o Brasil, tendo como referência estudos realizados nos EUA. A partir daí, são propostos os elementos básicos e iniciais que devem constituir a vigilância em saúde ambiental em relação a esses eventos. Ao final, aponta-se para a urgência da estruturação dessa vigilância, considerando as peculiaridades da realidade brasileira e o grande número de eventos já registrados

Major chemical accidents in highway transport of hazardous materials have the potential of a multiplicity of damages to health and to the environment and are of Public Health concern. In Brazil the absence of basic information to evaluate the impact of these events on health is one of the limitations of the available data about highway transport of hazardous materials. As consequence, formulation of adequate and efficient public policies to prevent and control these types of accidents, involving health and environment sectors is limited. The objective of this article is to contribute to the building of the environmental health surveillance of these accidents. Based on the available information and on the characterization of these accidents referred in studies done in the United States, the problematic in Brazil is discussed. Basic elements for the urgent implementation of an environmental health surveillance of these accidents are pointed considering the Brazilian reality.

Humans , Transportation , Health Surveillance , Environment , Chemical Hazard Release , Hazardous Substances
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-535019


Four hundred emergency cases caused by highway traffic accidents were reported. The relationship between traffic accident injury and patient's sex, age, occupation, driving speed and time, season and weather were analysed. The result of the treatment was closely related to the wounded area, severity as well as prehospital emergency service. It is suggested that stress should be put on prevention of traffic accicdent and on organization of first aid. It is also an emergent need at present to study basic theory and biophysics on traffic accident injury, improve highway conditons and fulfill traffic rules.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-540853


Objective To discuss the correlation between tyre bursting and traffic accidents on highways. Methods A retrospective statistical analysis was carried out on traffic accidents resulted from tyre bursting on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen highway from 1998 to 2000. Results During three years, there occurred 2 484 cases of traffic accidents on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen highway, of which 848 cases resulted from tyre bursting, accounting for 34.14% (848/2 484). During a day, incidence from 10:00 to 16:00 was 55.54% (471/848), which was higher than that in any other time, and the highest incidence was at 14:00, accounting for 9.67% (82/848). During a year, incidence from April to September was 56.84% (482/848), higher than that in any other months. Considering the tyre factor, accidents resulted from burst of single right posterior tyre were 398 cases, occupying 46.93% (398/848) of the total, which was more than those resulted from burst of any other tyres. The second dangerous burst position was on the left posterior tyre, from which accidents reached 295 cases occupying 34.79% ((295/848)) of the total. Of all, 848 cases of tyre bursting accidents resulted in 12 deaths and 200 injuries, which accounted for 22.55% of the total death and wound (212/940). There were 58 cases of craniocerebral trauma, 32 chest trauma, seven abdominal injuries, 25 spinal cord injuries, four pelvic injuries, 52 branches injuries, 127 soft tissue injuries all through the body and 106 combined injuries. Conclusions Tyre bursting is a vital factor for traffic accidents on highways of South China. In order to effectively reduce traffic accidents on the highways, we must prevent overspeed driving, strengthen the regular check of the tyres and normalize corresponding management.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-588143


Ambulance is a kind of new medical technique vehicle along with the development of medical science.Many countries are developing new ambulances in order to satisfy the demand of the emergency highway accident rescue.The GPS communication system and the vehicular medical power design are the most important parts of the ambulances for their complicated technology.This article discusses these two problems.